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Rich Brown - Intentional Spaces Summit Page Image


Honorable Mention

CSS Design Awards

Special Kudos
Innovation Design Award
UI Design Award
UX Design Award

CSS Winner

Star Award


The Intentional Spaces Summit marks an exciting partnership between The International Arts + Mind Lab at John Hopkins University and the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture. I had the privilege of leading the effort to establish a unique brand identity and design the new website.


The website’s design was meticulously tailored to reflect a minimalist, clean architectural style that resonates with intentional spaces such as office buildings, public areas, and diverse architectural environments. Through the strategic use of negative space and carefully curated imagery, the website embodies the essence of purposeful and harmonious architectural design, effectively capturing the ethos of the Intentional Spaces Summit.


[Q] What kind of projects do you like? [A] Projects that allow for creative exploration and where the client trusts my process to bring their vision to life. [Q] What kind of clients typically hire you? [A] Design and marketing agencies, as well as established businesses and startups, those that value good design. [Q] Are you open to 3 or 6-month contracts? [A] No, I prefer project-based work, keeps things fresh and interesting and allows me to work on multiple projects at any one time! [Q] Do you design websites? [A] Yes. and apps, that’s what we call UX/UI product design. [Q] What is UX/UI design? [A] It’s essentially website or app design. User experience (UX) and user interface (UI), I handle the design from start to finish. [Q] Are you a developer? [A] Nope, but I partner with a team of skilled freelancers I trust and can offer full agency service. [Q] Can you do brand design? [A] I’m efficient in brand design for start-ups or evolving existing brands. [Q] How do you determine your pricing? [A] Rates vary. For design, I charge a day rate, but for complete website projects I adjust to your budget, and every client’s needs and project scales differ. [Q] Why are you so expensive? [A] Price is relative, my window cleaner has a higher day rate! I offer big agency-level experience and design without the hefty bill. [Q] Why is your website so hard to read? [A] I get it, it’s a bit of an eye strain, but most people aren’t reading this stuff, it’s why I’ve put so much effort into the visuals, that’s what you’re really here for.